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Paying for Metabolic Syndrome

“A lifestyle is what you pay for,” wrote Thomas Leonard, founder of Coach University in 1992 and a major contributor to the development of personal coaching. And there are many health costs paid in unhealthy lifestyle. These costs include what clinicians call the “metabolic syndrome” (MS). The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III defined MS as a collection of...  Read more.     This article appears in SunStar Cebu newspaper on 28 Apri 2010.

Onion Buying, Or What?

The first time I saw the word “oniomania,” I thought it referred to a compulsive disorder of excessively eating onions. With the advances in psychiatric science and the curious way head conditions are getting their names, who was to know that onion-eating would get named after a disorder? Oniomania, alright, is a psychological disorder. But it means a compulsive desire to buy or shop; that is, a continuous urge to buy things—any thing. It is the dream of retailers; the frustration of ... ( read more )

Death By Heat Stroke in the Philippines

The hotter and earlier-onset El Niño phenomenon this year 2010 poses a threat to the Filipino lives. How much life it took? See incidence that reached the news. UPDATE  On 19 May 2010, candidate army soldier Ericson Pascua (22) came on his first day of training in Isabela when he collapsed after a series of strenous exercise. Although rushed to the hospital immediately, he died shortly afterwards (around 11 a.m.) due to heat stroke. That day Isabela peaked at 38.2 degrees Celsius. Sixteen others were rushed to the hospital for dehydration and heat exhaustion. (Check report ) On 28 April 2010, a veteran Cavite cop, PO3 Florencio Gamana Alivio (48),  succumbed to cardiac arrest as a result to heatstroke while having tae bo with his colleagues at the Cavite Police Provincial Office (CPPO) grounds in Camp General Pantaleon. He reached the Imus MEdical Center but pronounced dead at 5:15 PM. (Check report ) In Batangas, former governor Amando Sanchez (57)di...

Taking High Blood Pressure Under Control

Hypertention, or 'high blood pressure,' is known for its treachery in taking human life. But, being a lifestyle condition, anyone can control, even bring down, hypertension when certain changes are made and sustained. BODY WEIGHT A key area in controlling hypertension is the weight, measured in BMI (body mass index, a measurement of weight in relation to height). A BMI of 18.5-24.9 will give easy the pressure burden in your heart as well as the pressure in your blood circulation. FOOD Whole grains. Eat a minimum of 7-8 servings each day. Grains and grain products include breakfast cereal, whole grain bread, rice, pasta, etc.) Fruits and vegetables. Eat plenty of these great sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Have at least 8-10 servings each day. Dairy. Go only for low-fat or nonfat dairy foods. An intake of 2-3 servings daily can enhance weight loss as well as provide materials for building strong bones and teeth. Nuts, seeds and legumes. Get 4-5 ser...