The skin, largest organ of the body, is created to protect the body from external threats as well as prevent moisture from escaping the body. But the second largest organ of the body--the liver--is vulnerable through the food that we eat. The question is: can we protect it from ourselves? Another question: can we rebuild it once we got it damaged through mindless eating habits? THROUGH the years, researches seem to point out that most, if not all, human diseases always factor lifestyle into it. Infection? Stressful work, insufficient rest or sleep and dirty environment can certainly ensure that. Another component to the lifestyle factor is the food we eat. We often eat based on how much time is available to us. If we have no time to prepare good food, then we have to go for quick-cooking canned goods or perhaps the high-fat, high-calorie dishes of fast foods. Conditions like these put an increasing load of toxins on our body that our liver must process every day...
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