Urban noise may have a mainstay in our lives for the years to come. Even rural areas in the country are getting noisy as vehicles and population increase. With this cacophony also comes problems that we must be aware of so we can do something about them. NOISE is so much a part of our daily lives that we come to accept it with admirable tolerance. In fact, it can become the stimulant that some people seek, and believe that the decibels of "sonar energy" can keep them mentally alive. Sylvia Plath, author of the book The Bell Jar, wrote: “The silence depressed me. It wasn’t the silence of silence. It was my own silence.” But recent studies have noted that basking in the noise in our urban environment can be very unwise after all. A meta-analysis published lately in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health just unearthed many reasons why. First... [ READ MORE ] This article appears in Sun.Star Cebu newspaper on 12 Sep...
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