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Showing posts with the label Gram Negative Bacteria

Untreatable Disease on the Rise

Despite, or perhaps because of, science mankind is now starting to gets left behind by microorganisms in this continuing war for survival. Recently the microscopic creatures apparently start to get the upper hand. Something that humans must be alarmed about.  THIS week’s article is some kind of a heads up for our Breakthroughs readers. Certain diseases lately have been reported to be getting untreatable as the scourge of antibiotic drug resistance hits hospitals abroad. In her report early this year in the Scientific American, Christine Gorman noted that health investigators “started seeing cases of infection that did not easily respond to treatment with a group of drugs called cephalosporins.” Cephalosporins are the current last line of defense against gonorrheal infection. The Feb. 9 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine reported that US doctors believed that gonorrheal infection, that the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhea cause, may soon become untreatable. ...