HERE'S a question that requires you to answer another one: What is the second largest organ in the body? To answer the question, you must know first what the largest organ is. That’s the catch. Otherwise, there is no way for you to compare sizes. But I will leave you to Google on that one and give you instead the answer about the second largest organ—the liver. It weighs around 1.5 kilos. Large as it is, the liver appears the most taken-for-granted organ of the body—so disproportionate to the functions it performs to support life. And if you come to think of it, we simply presume it will continue to function well. So we keep on taking in the good, the bad and the worst. Think of what you eat today—canned goods, fried dishes, medications, alcoholic drinks—the list can go on. Whatever you eat or drink passes through the liver, your body’s principal detoxifying center. The liver filters the blood that comes from the digestive tract, removes or metabolize...
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