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Showing posts with the label passion flower

Passion in the Flower

Did God document in the Passion flower the Passion of His own Son as a witness to the redemption of mankind? We may never know. But God did create the flower to aid among us who are suffering from some specific diseases.   SCIENTISTS named it Passiflora, a genus of flower vines that contains 400 species; mostly vines, some shrubs and a few herbs. And some of these species have known medicinal properties.  The history in the naming of Passiflora is part of the Christian missionary history.  Spanish Catholic missionaries discovered the passion flower in South America between the 15th and 16th centuries. The missionary priests found its physical structures uniquely consistent with certain facts in the Passion of Christ, especially his crucifixion.  Its three stigmas represent the three nails in Jesus’ hands and feet. Its flower threads resemble the crown of thorns. The vine’s anthers look much like the five wounds. The 10 petals and sepals represent the...