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Showing posts with the label literatus

Uric Prelude to Obesity

"It's hard enough to go through puberty," Charmed witch Alyssa Milano once said. It could be harder later on, I may say, should insulin resistance syndrome (IRS) begins right here. IRS has been referred to as metabolic syndrom, a rather popular subject for research among health scientists lately, and we have partly covered in another research in a previous article. And researchers found out that uric acid level can be an indicator of this... Read more. This article appears in SunStar Cebu newspaper on 5 May 2010.

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Sex Is About Saying It Clear

ZOSIMO T. LITERATUS, RMT Sex is one intimate activity that reflects a lot the health and the stability of a heterosexual relationship. In fact, oftentimes, it can be used as indicator if the relationship is doing well or not. The reason for this is communication. A loving relationship thrives and grows through good and effective communication. Needless to say, bad communication can potentially, and has been known to, destroy a relationship. The same is true with sexual interaction, or euphemistically speaking, “making love.” The current study of Daniel M. Purnine and Michael P. Carey of the Syracuse University in Syracuse, New York, tried to test male and female sexual satisfaction (or, as they called “sexual adjustment”) against the factors of understanding and agreement. That is, understanding the opposite’s preferences; and deriving an agreement on which sexual activities and behaviors to use and pursue together. Understanding, according to Purnine and Carey, “allows one to know ho...

The Price of Doing Correction Fluid

PUSHKAR CHHETRI Bhutan Observer Published as "The price of doing drugs" Getting high on drugs might seem like another part of the world with all that excitement initially, but when this fun turns to fear, one might as well wish for a time machine to go back and erase the past. Tenzin (name changed), 28 has been doing drugs since he was 14. He has experimented with everything from marijuana, tablets to injecting Proxyvon. “I started using correction fluid and dendrite in the beginning not only for a high but to prove I was a tough guy,” said Tenzin. After a few years of education in Bhutan, he continued his education in Kalimpong where Tenzin became addicted to tablets. “Kalimpong was a whole new environment and to stay away from home meant a lot of freedom in terms of what I could do,” he remembers. His experimentation with tablets soon manifested into addiction within a few weeks time. “It was cheaper and easily available and I started having two tablets of Nitrosun-10 and ...

Freedom Stops with Results

ZOSIMO T. LITERATUS, RMT Freedom has always been found at the time of making a decision, a choice of actions, things, and more. Once the choice has been made, freedom ends with the consequences of that decision or choice. Then freedom reappears with how a person handles the impact of the results from those decisions. The same natural process continues to play in marriage, from the choice of a partner, to the decision to enter into marriage, and the eventual decision to stay or separate ways. Professor emeritus of sociology at Rutgers University (New Brunswick, New Jersey USA) David Popenoe founded the National Marriage Project to provide research analysis on the state of marriage in America as one of its two-pronged mission. The project financially supported by the university in cooperation with private foundations came up a guideline entitled “Ten Important Research findings on Marriage and Choosing a Marriage Partner: Helpful Facts for Young Adults.” It was published in November 2004...

Footprints of Metabolic Syndrome

ZOSIMO T. LITERATUS, RMT International health authorities do not agree on the limits of clinical features observed to qualify for a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. However, I believe that you get the smallest measurements as your warning levels to be conservative. Early prevention is always better than doing it late. In health, disease reversal can be daunting and many times next to impossible at its final stage of deterioration. The World Health Organization (1999) requires that presence of diabetes mellitus (impaired glucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose or insulin resistance) be diagnosed first and two of the following clinical levels before a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is warranted: blood pressure, 140/90 mmHg; dyslipidemia [1] ; central obesity [2] , and presence of albumin in the urine [3] . The European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance (1999) demands that insulin resistance be at the top 25% of the fasting insulin values for non-diabetic individuals and tw...

Flirting is a well-informed art

ZOSIMO T. LITERATUS, RMT More than we know it, flirting not only provides the fun of encounter but also is a natural, and yet essential and universal, necessity of human interaction. The positive and negative connotations of flirting came obviously from the manner in which it has been commonly practiced without so much guidance in the proper and wholesome ways to do it. It might be instinctive to flirt, but the way to do it is not. Effective flirting is well-informed flirting Flirting, while admitted not yet a science, is certainly an art of interpersonal communication and subtle influence. Kate Fox of the Social Issues Research Centre, a non-profit organization based in St. Clements, Oxford, United Kingdom, makes an important contribution in providing us the SIRC Guide to Flirting. ( Click here to download in pdf format)

Initiation Tactics

ZOSIMO T. LITERATUS, RMT There are two major phases in the initiation of courtship among us. First, the move of making the contact; then, the introduction of oneself once the contact has been established. Biologically, as can be observed among lower mammals, courtship behavior is designed to maximize reproductive success of each respective species. In humans, intimate relationship acts as the initial goal of contact, which is hoped in time to evolve into long-lasting bonds including sexual commitments. The theory of parental investment [1] proposed that the gender that invests most in reproduction (usually the female) will be more selective in choosing a mate. Conversely, the gender that invests the least is more likely to desert and to pursue additional mating opportunities. This prospect justifies the need for courtship or wooing in order to increase male investment to the intimate relationship, also increasing the masculine need to be ensured of exclusive sexual access to their pa...

Cyanuric Acid: The Scourge Unnoticed

ZOSIMO T. LITERATUS, RMT Two outbreaks of petfood-associated renal failure occurred in 2004 (involving around 6,000 dogs and a smaller number of cats) and 2007 (involving a large number of dogs and cats in North America). In 2004, the outbreak was linked to the ingestion of specific commercial dog foods, and occurred in dogs from Asia. Health authorities attributed it to poisonous compounds (particularly ochratoxin, citrinin, or both) that contaminated raw materials in a manufacturing plant in Thailand. In 2007, on the heel of another renal failure outbreak associated with pet foods, North American health authorities identified the toxic compounds as melamine and cyanuric acid; both are present in wheat gluten, rice protein, and corn gluten imported from China and used as a pet food ingredient. Able to elevate falsely the measure of protein content in pet foods because of its high nitrogen content, melamine was presumed to have been intentionally added by suppliers in China. Two studie...