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Showing posts with the label Jesus Christ

The Way of the Unborn

THE irony of abortion had been captured by the often funny late US president Ronald Reagan who said: “Abortion is advocated only by persons who have themselves been born.” What he did not explicitly say was that those who have not been born will never advocate abortion. But here in the Philippines, despite the criminal ban, women can get away with it in droves. The New York-based human rights group, Center for Reproductive Rights, noted that an estimated 560,000 of induced abortions took place in 2008 alone. And from this mothers who chose to intentionally terminate pregnancy, 90,000 (or 16 percent) sought treatment for complications; while a thousand women died. Despite its proponents’ assertion that abortion is relatively safe when performed in clinics, once the criminal ban is lifted, it remains foolish to presume that it is. Not only because scientific trials that back up the drugs used in abortion can only assure a probability for safety, it is common sense that... [ Read more. ...

Nativity Fast, A Way to Prepare for Christmas

YOU might find it weird to talk about fasting during the Yuletide Season. But there is such a thing as the Nativity Fast. Fasting is common in the Old Testament times. But when Jesus came to establish the ancient Christian Church, he insisted on having the right intentions with fasting. Not for appearances, but for private spiritual discipline (Matthew 6:16). In this Christian tradition, fasting is required from ages 18 to 59 on certain days. Food intake was reduced to [ Read more. ] This article appears in SunStar Cebu newspaper on 22 December 2010.