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Showing posts with the label control

Abandon and Control

IRISH poet William Butler Yeats wrote: “The tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul.” If sexual abandon is dangerous to the “virginity of the soul,” then the Roman Catholic Church may be right in opposing the use of oral contraception (OC). A recent study published in this year’s issue of BMC Women’s Health noted that the use of OCs had been associated with greater sexual interest across all phases of ... ( Read more . ) This article appears in Sun.Star Cebu newspaper on 28 July 2010.

Taking High Blood Pressure Under Control

Hypertention, or 'high blood pressure,' is known for its treachery in taking human life. But, being a lifestyle condition, anyone can control, even bring down, hypertension when certain changes are made and sustained. BODY WEIGHT A key area in controlling hypertension is the weight, measured in BMI (body mass index, a measurement of weight in relation to height). A BMI of 18.5-24.9 will give easy the pressure burden in your heart as well as the pressure in your blood circulation. FOOD Whole grains. Eat a minimum of 7-8 servings each day. Grains and grain products include breakfast cereal, whole grain bread, rice, pasta, etc.) Fruits and vegetables. Eat plenty of these great sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Have at least 8-10 servings each day. Dairy. Go only for low-fat or nonfat dairy foods. An intake of 2-3 servings daily can enhance weight loss as well as provide materials for building strong bones and teeth. Nuts, seeds and legumes. Get 4-5 ser...