Hypertention, or 'high blood pressure,' is known for its treachery in taking human life. But, being a lifestyle condition, anyone can control, even bring down, hypertension when certain changes are made and sustained.
A key area in controlling hypertension is the weight, measured in BMI (body mass index, a measurement of weight in relation to height). A BMI of 18.5-24.9 will give easy the pressure burden in your heart as well as the pressure in your blood circulation.
Whole grains. Eat a minimum of 7-8 servings each day. Grains and grain products include breakfast cereal, whole grain bread, rice, pasta, etc.)
Fruits and vegetables. Eat plenty of these great sources of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Have at least 8-10 servings each day.
Dairy. Go only for low-fat or nonfat dairy foods. An intake of 2-3 servings daily can enhance weight loss as well as provide materials for building strong bones and teeth.
Nuts, seeds and legumes. Get 4-5 servings each week for your protein and fat needs, which can be found in plenty enough to substitute those coming from meat.
Meat, fish, and poultry. These foods are something to limit your consumption. Limit yourself to a maximum of 2 servings daily, if you cannot endure a single serving or none at all. The idea is to change your attitude towards meat as something you need to eat everyday. Most of what these sources can provide to your body can be obtained from nuts, seeds, and legumes, as mentioned above. And prefer the lean portions.
Fats and oils. Fats (obtained from meat) and oils (from plants) are the most concentrated sources of calories. Being so, you don't have to consume a lot to satisfy your calorie requirements. Limit yourself to 2-3 servings daily.
Salt. Table salt, chemically sodium chloride, must only supply a moderate level of consumption (2,400 mg) daily. Eat fewer canned and processed foods, which are helped preserved with salt. Instead, go for fresh foods.
Exercise. You need at least 30 minutes a day of exercise to significantly reduce blood pressure. Any form of physical activity performed in most days of the week (at least 5 times a week) will do the trick. The idea is to tone up your muscles and sweat out extra calories from the body.
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