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Showing posts with the label format change

Homosexuality Is A Way of Thinking

See A Medical View of Homosexuality for the latest research findings. No matter how you look at it, homosexuality--gay or lesbian--is only a way of thinking reinforced by many years of behavioral preferences. There is no one born gay or lesbian. But there are many who have no good role models of health masculinity or feminity. The role models could either be passive masculines and demanding feminines or oppressive masculines and manipulative feminines or other unknown combinations of certain unhealthy sexuality characteristics. In the same way that a suicidal person is not born depressed as she is raised in a home of depressive atmosphere people with depressed or suicidal role models, homosexuals came to be so because of failure in healthy modelling. With that in mind, homosexuality is essentially a mental problem and not an existential condition. Studies and observation furnish us a lot of faulty thoughts that bring a person to develop homosexual behaviors, thus changing its "se...

Change of Format Starting October 2009

Breakthroughs Today will change its format from a simple blog into a review blog which incorporates the latest in physical and mental sciences for our readers to react with and share their views. Starting October 7, this will be so. Being a reviewer, it will discuss certain issues brought up in the Breakthroughs articles published in Sun.Star Cebu. However, our content will not limit to that printed updates. Thereafter this blog will be reviewing also recent breakthroughs found in the news even if it has not been covered in the regular Breakthroughs column.