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Paying for Metabolic Syndrome

“A lifestyle is what you pay for,” wrote Thomas Leonard, founder of Coach University in 1992 and a major contributor to the development of personal coaching. And there are many health costs paid in unhealthy lifestyle. These costs include what clinicians call the “metabolic syndrome” (MS).

The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III defined MS as a collection of... Read more. 
This article appears in SunStar Cebu newspaper on 28 Apri 2010.


  1. I know the perfect way to prevent MS!!!

    Kesha : P. Diddy Parody unrhymed

    "Wake up in da morning, swing ur legs, and, jog. Take a real cold shower, then eat an, apple and some cereals, go and get a bicycle, then learn, how to use it - next u should go cycle to work, so you won't, be, late... go home on the bicycle and if you don;t feel safe, take a course at Aikido to stop burglars on the take, yipyip, then when you are at home, watch TV while on the treadmill - and repeat this every day (Don;t forget healthy lunch and dinner uhuh)"

    How's dat for an explanation.. want simpler? Get your a** out of the couch and shake it, man! Ain't that right, ZIM?

    By the way, have you ever heard about I hear they just started a new contest called Mama's day out!

  2. Hmmm... That's interesting; Mama's day out, I mean. And if you connect that to MS, then I can only imagine mothers running all day long for a healthy tummy armed with yummy fruit and veggie salads for good new health's sake.

    Metabolic problems are what I call the earliest indicators of a worsening health from an unhealthy lifestyle. The only way to continue to stay up is to simply stay up and about. Diet is one huge culprit for MS, even more than lack of exercise. The food simply turns us into who we're going to be... eventually.

    I believe a food rich in organic fruits and vegetables will be of prime option here for still physically fit individuals. When problems have already set it, then exercise becomes a must.

    Thanks Kesh for dropping some lines.


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