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Measures Against Exposures

A lot of things happen beyond the reach of the human senses, especially the eyes. There is the world of the minute organisms--bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi--whose existence can only be taken as true from the pronouncements of those who have studied this world. And there is also the world of the inanimate chemicals, whether biological or synthetic. Both these worlds can hold as in great awe when we happen to watch these ourselves. These microcosm too can provide us a danger that we may never suspect. And example to that is what bisphenol A (BPA) provides to infants... and even to adults as well.

PD James wrote in his 2001 novel, Death in Holy Orders: “Much of the world’s grief was caused by people who claimed that they were only doing their duty.”

That is utterly true for those soldiers who had to fight an oppressive war (their superiors ordered them so) or to engineers who formulate small but poisonous compounds to human foods either to save on the cost of materials (thus increase profits), or to create a novel compound untested for long-term toxic effects. Both are doing their jobs; so who can complain.

With that in mind, the safest option for consumers is to either steer away from the product, or continue to flirt with it but under cautionary measures that potentially reduce the danger. The United States Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) recommended best practices parents can use to protect their infants from the toxicity of Bisphenol A (BPA)... [READ MORE]

This article appears in SunStar Cebu newspaper on 13 June 2012.


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