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The Body that Binds

So much has been blamed on sugar over unremitting obesity. Sugar is just a biochemical tool in the process. The cause can be much deeper.

IF YOU you think sweets sabotaged your, already-heavy weight, think again. A German study found out that it is not the reason. Instead, it is stress; the more acute the stress, the faster it piles up those unwanted bulges in the last places you want them.

Achim Peters, Britta Kubera, Christian Hubold, and Dirk Langeman of Medical Clinic 1 at the University of Luebeck in Luebeck, Germany reported their findings in this year’s issue of the Frontiers of Neuroscience.

The team confirmed two studies made in 2009 and 2010 that... [READ MORE

This article appears in SunStar Cebu newspaper on 23 January 2012.


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