Sometimes dreams can be more than just some nocturnal fantasies of the mind. They can be warnings for disasters to come, or perhaps a means to talk to an angel.
POPULAR author John Farris wrote in his novel, The Fury and the Power (2003): “There is always too much to see when you are awake. Dreams are the refreshments of the weary eye, as well as the actuality of other layers of existence—fantastic, subtle, strange.”
Even before the birth of psychology, dreams had been subject of many stories both through flights of fantasy and of seeming believable theories.
Trailblazers in psychiatry such as Carl Jung believe that dreams can be a window to the unconscious, a depository of things that the conscious human being may find so traumatic to bring to mind. In short, dreams provide a snapshot on what bones had been hidden in the closet... [READ MORE]
This article appears in SunStar Cebu newspaper on 2 November 2011.
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