Funny stories surround narcolepsy, both from those who watch narcoleptics fell into dreamland in the snap of a finger, and from the narcoleptics themselves if they happen to have a sense of humor themselves.
“PATCH, have you heard of narcolepsy?”
"Would you take care of this one for me, please?"
Narcolepsy is a long-running sleep disorder resulting from problems in human nerves. It is technically called "Dyssomnia."
Narcoleptics have excessive urge to sleep when they should not sleep, such as while at work or at school. Imagine what chaos will result when a teacher in kindergarten slept standing before her pupils.
That would be less noisy with college students who, having noticed their professor in his “turn-off” mode, would simply sneak out of the classroom with as much silence as possible.
Indeed the pull toward slumber is very strong among narcoleptics. While most people take 90 minutes to get into rapid eye movement (REM) when asleep, narcoleptics breeze the way within... [READ MORE]
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