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Predators of Innocence

There is no telling the psychological damage (trauma) pedophiliacs can bring into their victims. This sickness of the mind, and obviously of the soul, needs special attention to protect others from the evil it brings. Parents too must be more vigilant in guarding their children from these predators of innocence.

SOMETIME in March, Agence France-Presse reported that the European Police (Europol) succeeded in cracking down a network of online pedophiles with almost 70,000 members worldwide, and 230 children were rescued.

The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation identified children victims to be at most 17 years old. Females were the most commonly abused, wrote HN Snyder in his report to the US Department of Justice. The more difficult thing is pedophiles cannot be identified from normal individuals. He can be anyone, anywhere.

Clinically, pedophilia is a psychiatric condition wherein an individual impulsively fantasizes about, is sexually aroused by, or experiences sexual urges toward prepubescent children (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Edition), American Psychiatric Association published, 2000). 

Multiple studies agreed that pedophiles place themselves in a position where they meet children, and interact with them without supervision, such as... [Read more.]

This article appeared in SunStar Cebu newspapaer on 27 July 2011.


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