Chinese Women Today
A great sex life: we all want it. And, judging by what we see in the movies, we've all got it.
Not so fast. It's not as easy as it's made out to be. In fact, as I've worked with couples over the years, I'd estimate that fewer than one third of married couples enjoy a mutually satisfying sexual relationship.
Sexual issues are troublesome on a number of levels. First of all, they are felt very deeply by both partners: by men, because their sense of self-worth is tied so closely to their sex life; and by women, because sexuality is often an area of extreme vulnerability. Add to that the fact that sexual difficulties are tough to talk about - and even tougher to seek help on - and it’s easy to see why so many couples struggle in this area.
Sex alone cannot be the foundation of a marriage. Nevertheless, when it's going well, there's no doubt that sex is a powerful glue that bonds a couple together and builds real strength into the marriage. That makes a great sex life something worth fighting for. Here are some suggestions to help you do just that.
Check Your Baggage
It's awfully difficult to achieve sexual freedom in marriage when you're each carrying a hundred pounds of baggage into bed with you. Sadly, that's exactly what many couples are doing. (Read more...)
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